External library navigation allows you to search and download ebooks. Playepub natively supports OPDS catalogs and comes with a bunch of them so as you can start downloading books from the moment you install the app.

OPDS is a standard way of sharing and downloading books and lets you browse the catalog from the own app.

A long tap on any library shows a contextual menu where you can remove it.


You can browse any catalog just by taping on any item, category or book.


Finally you have the book details.IMG_20150701_170421

And the download options in the action bar overflow. IMG_20150701_170426The “Downloads” option in action bar shows you the books you are downloading.


By default, books are downloading to your device shared “books” folder. After downloading the books you have to open them as you do with any other book. See “Local library” for more info. You can configure the destination folder and some more options from settings menu.

You can add your own libraries just by adding its url and name to identify. If the url is an OPDS catalog it will be displayed inside Playepub, otherwise it will be opened in the device default browser.


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