This is your main view and where your books are displayed. This is how it works. Before reading a book you have to open it. When you open a book it is displayed in your shelves main screen and it is ready to be read. You can have thousand of books in your device but only those already opened are ready to start reading.


To open a book you have two options:

  • New book: opens a file browser and lets you choose the book to open. Only compatible files are displayed. Tap on the desired file to open the book.


  • Bulk import: lets you choose a folder from which all the supported files will be imported. This is the fastest way to import many books, just copy them into the same folder and “bulk import” that folder. Browse to desired folder and tap on “Save” button in the title bar.IMG_20150701_174215

With the “Sort” action bar button you can decide how to sort the books in your shelves:

  • By title
  • By author
  • By date: this one sorts your books using the date you last opened it, displaying the more recent at the begining.


List/Shelves button on action bar lets you decide how you want to see your main screen, with graphical shelves or just a common list. Next time you open Playepub it will remember how your main screen was.



Finally, you can long tap on any book to show a contextual menu where you can:

  • Open that book.
  • Move the book to a collection.
  • Delete the book.



Playepub on Playbook has some particular differences. The main view has two  componentes, the shelves and the file browser. You can decide how you want to see your main screen just swiping left/right.

  • Full shelves: only the shelves are displayed.
  • Half shelves / half file browser: the screen is divided into shelves and file browser.
  • Full file browser: only file browser is displayed.

On Playbook you have to make a long tap on any folder to import all the book files inside (bulk import).

When you make a long tap over an opened book in your shelves you enter into deleting mode. Click “X” on any book to remove it. You can delete as many books as you want taping on the X. When you are finished, tap again on any book outside the X. Original file will not be deleted, you can always open it again from file browser. If you delete the book file from your Playbook all cached info will also be automatically deleted and book closed.
From within edit mode you can also manage book collections.

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