With this  you can have a feature like the one in Kindle into your Playbook. Send any epub file to your email account and PlayEpub will download it. If you receive periodic publications or news, that’s your feature. I love it! Use it in conjunction with Calibre to send daily news.

You have to configure your POP3 mail account to let Playepub download your mailed files, you have to do this only one time, settings are saved. It supports main mail providers.

It’s highly recomended to mark “Delete emails with epub files“, otherwise PlayEpub will download all the books again everytime you synchronize with your mail account. PlayEpub does not remember which files have already been downloaded, it will download every file every time, which is not usefull.

Downloaded files are copied into “books/mailed” shared folder. Browse to that folder after synchonizing with your mail account to find your mailed epub files.

After configuring your mail settings, just click on sync button on main screen everytime you need to check for new files. That’s all!

Sync process can run in background, you can do any other task in your Playbook minimizing Playepub. When sync finishes it launches a native notification to let you know it has finised.

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