PlayEpub is an epub ebook reader for Blackberry Playbook.

PlayEpub does support DRM-free epub, Kindle and FB2 files. Are your ebooks DRM-protected? Try ePUBee or Epub DRM removal to remove protection.

Supported file formats: .epub, .fb2, .mobi, .prc, .pfb, .azw.

Last versions of Playepub have limited PDF support. Read about it.

To start you have to download or copy some epub, Kindle or FB2 files to your Playbook. If you already have some epub files, copy them to any of  shared folders on your Playbook, otherwise you can start downloading books from network libraries.

If you have some ebooks in any other format you can try Calibre to convert them to epub. You can also try some online converters:,

Follow help menu to learn more or learn how to open books.

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