After activating on your device, your books will silently been synced into Playepub Cloud so as when you open the same book in another device it will restore your reading point, and your bookmarks, notes and highlights. It will also restore the same information if you delete the book from your device and then you open it again. You will never loose your book data!

These settings are “per app”, not “per book”, so any change made here will affect to all of your books. If you activate Cloud Sync it will be active for any book you open.

Playepub Cloud Sync requires you to create an account. You will only need an email and a password. Your email will only be used to login purposes, we will never send anything to you. If you already have an account, add your credentials, otherwise a new account will be created for you. You must remember your email and your password to log in in any other device with the same account.


After login your Cloud Sync will be active and any book you open from now will be synced.


You can change your password at any time or, if you can’t remember your existing one, reset it and we will send a new one to your email address. After reseting you will be able to change it for your own.


That’s all! After activating, your books will silently been synced into cloud while you read them. You can see a list of your saved books and remove any of them if you want.IMG_20150702_132607What happens when you open the same book in a new device or after deleting it from your current device? You are informed that you have info for that book and can choose to load it or not. Keep into account that if you don’t accept that info it will be lost as this new book will overwrite that info.

Please, read this: The same book means the same file, not the same “book title”. You have to use always the same book file in order to be recognized, otherwise it will be treated as a different book.

See it in action


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